It seems like everywhere you look you see someone who obviously uses a tanning bed and I do admit that I use them, myself. Although I do use them, and sound like a hypocrite, they are beginning to become more and more of a problem now days. Each time someone enters the tanning bed their risk for cancer increases greatly. Even though these facilities cause harm to people, it is their own decision and right to enter them. I believe it is right for laws to be enforced regarding children tanning or teens to a certain age. If a child, under the age of 18, wants to use a tanning bed, at a salon, then a parental agreement form should be signed. Because the child is not a legal adult, the parent should have the right to make the decision on whether they want their child to use the tanning bed or not. It is said that over one million Americans tan each and every day and according to the FDA Consumer Health newsletter, about one million Americans get diagnosed with some form of skin cancer each year. I was watching E! Hollywood Insider about a story concerning former Miss Maryland and her battle with cancer at age twenty. Brittany Cicala began using tanning beds at age 17 to prepare for beauty pageants and a short three years later was receiving treatment and having surgeries to try to get rid of her cancerous skin cells. After having over 20 surgeries she was literally scarred for life, and is now reaching out to children to prevent their use of tanning beds. Ultraviolet radiation given off by tanning beds can cause the obvious, skin cancer, as well as permanent eye damage, and can lower one’s immune system. It’s hard to believe that between 10 and 20 minutes in a tanning bed is equivalent to a FULL day under the sun’s harsh rays. Resources have shown that even tanning one time every month increases someone’s chance of getting melanoma, the worst form of skin cancer, by 55%! To me that’s so crazy! I guess if they have statistics and medical evidence proving their facts, then it must be true. I have thought going tanning or not over many, many times. I’m sure one day I will stop but as of now I still tan on occasion and probably will continue to do so.
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