Reality television seems to be not such an actual reality at all. In today’s world of television there are so many “reality” shows that who knows what’s real and what has been staged. The shows all seem to run together along with the drama and actions which the characters or reality TV stars create. To me, the fights, drama, crazy situations that happen on the reality television shows are all staged just for ratings. What’s the point of calling a show a reality television show, if the only reality is that the people were randomly selected to be on the show? Although some reality TV shows are set up for love or money, all those who apply to be on them, want, is fame. Fame from reality show is now days considered a shoe in to success and money. Once you make it to one reality show, you are offered to different shows, especially if you’re full of drama.

Show’s like the Bad Girls Club, just makes the women feel obligated to act their worst and instigate fights for the shows content. Watching reality shows can actually be really unhealthy for people because then they start believing that this is what happens in real life Hollywood or on television at all times, NO! Those who are casted on to reality television shows are told specifically how to act, when to start fights and sometimes even what to say to create more problems in the show, for more ratings. Viewers feed off of drama, arguments and tension between castmates on each show.

Vh1’s reality show “I Love Money” just encourages people to befriend, betray, backstab, and be manipulative and horrible to people just to get further in the game. In the end only one person gets the money anyways, so why go through the game being an awful person? In their defense, if they really believe that they have the shot at the money prize, maybe acting terrible is worth it? It really all depends on that person’s character and morals, I guess. Shows like the Bachelor or Bachelorette seem to be a hoax, because how can you possibly know someone so well during the filming of the show (around two months) to propose to them, and potentially expect to spend the rest of their life with that person?

I suppose it is possible to find that “special someone” with that thing they call love at first sight, but when you have a house full of 20 plus women or men all fighting for your attention, how is one supposed to depict true character from someone trying to be more than they are or on the show for the wrong reasons. All reality television shows have something sketchy about them; however they do make interesting and addictive television. I admit that I am a reality show junkie, and cannot resist watching the variety of shows that stations provide. Although I know most of it is not real, I enjoy watching it and getting a laugh here and there.
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