Thanksgiving is something I look forward to every year. We only get together on my mom’s side for holidays, which happen to be a large number of people. My mother has 7 brothers and sisters who all have a significant other and at least two children; then my grandparents and my grandma’s brothers usually attend as well. Because of the large number of people we unfortunately cannot all sit at one table, or in one room for that matter. We end up separating into three tables, wherever you happen to sit down. It’s quite funny at times because when my family starts to tell stories or make conversation, the other tables either try to listen in or they interrupt and start a harmless, fun argument about it. We all get along great and it’s a nice feeling to get away from all the stressors in life and just relax and have fun with one’s relatives. For our Thanksgiving meal we had: turkey baked chicken, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, grilled pineapple, two kinds of cranberries, and many, many different desserts. After the meal, games, and just hanging out with family, I drove two hours home so I could work that evening and then participate in Black Friday.
Black Friday is something many people look forward to each year, while others dread that very day. On Black Friday almost every item you could think of goes on sale for those early Christmas shoppers. This year I did go out on Black Friday not even looking for anything in particular. I first went to Wal-Mart right around midnight and let me tell you, the parking lot alone was insane: people racing for spots, people piling out of cars because they were packed in and some couldn’t even find a spot at all. When I got inside there was more people than I have ever seen in a Wal-Mart at one time. Now I’ve been Black Friday shopping before but it was never as crazy as it was this year. Although there were so many shoppers and people scrambling for things, I went shopping without an agenda or any expectations of buying anything. The things I would have expected to have gone right away happened to still be there at an outrageously low price, so I ended up buying a few things. Some shoppers were running with carts, stopping to make a game plan, just throwing random things in their carts; it was crazy! I’ve never seen anything like it. I think if you are going to go Black Friday shopping don’t have any expectations or anything in particular you NEED to get, because if it’s not there you’ll only get disappointed and frustrated which will make your experience in long checkout lines even more horrible. If you think about how low the prices go for certain things you would be thinking to yourself “wouldn’t the business be losing money for dropping the price so low?” But the truth is that, that is just how much markup was originally on that product, that if they lower it to that price they can still be making money off of it. Which ultimately seem ridiculous to buy anything at regular price now days when you know they’re making a ton of profit off of your purchase. I came to the conclusion that from now on, I am going to save some money on the side just for Black Friday and when the time comes, just buy every sale or discounted item that seems like a good deal to me for Christmas presents or everyday items I may need, because what’s the point of buying anything if it’s not on sale or clearance?

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